
Help us better understand your project.

Choose the selection closest to your industry.
We will choose the right hosting depending on the scale/traffic of your e-commerce site.
We encourage clients to purchase domains on their own, with autopay, as any late payment will cause the domain to expire, interrupting the site functions.
Every page counts as 1 each. (home, about, etc.) For E-commerce, we will add 5 compulsory pages on top of your other pages (shop, product, account, cart, checkout).
Could be age groups, people in specific industries, etc. These will influence the way we design the site experience.
We can research competitors to learn what makes their product successful, and possibility of implementing them.
list as many design samples that are in your favor and would your new site to be inspired from. This helps us determine whether you need a fully custom-made WordPress site, or a commercial theme will do.
For our current clients, we will provide custom pricing, based on the scale of the project. WordPress sites require constant maintenance and security in order to reduce issues happening to your site. You may take a look at what we offer at
Some clients have their designers developed in PSD, adobe XD, or adobe Illustrator. This will affect project cost since the design stage is skipped.
We do provide copywriting services if you require one.
Policy pages are created at free of charge, if the client provides all the written content.
Disclaimer: We at Cymric are not lawyers, clients are responsible for providing policy contents suitable for their business, or approving the content if we are the ones who write. We are not responsible in any way should your site/staff/users are not performing in accordance to your own policies. It is best to engage someone who is proficient at legal to assist you in creating these policies.
Sample policies: privacy policies, shipping policies, terms of use, return policies, etc.
We usually use images/graphics that are offered free online if we do the designs, however additional cost may occur if premium stock photos or custom graphics are required.
Let us know of any other requirements not listed on the questionnaire.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Max 20mb file. If you have larger files, you may share from your own storage drives or upload them to wetransfer and share the link in the "other requirements field"